The Lie That is Keeping You Single
Don’t you just love romantic movies? If only real life were like that.
I still remember when I first saw Jerry Maguire in the movie theater, every woman let out a sigh as they swooned over that now-classic line: you. Complete. Me.
And who wouldn’t want a man to profess his love that way?
Who wouldn’t want a man to look her in the eye and say, “you…complete….me.”
Well, believe it or not: I wouldn’t.
Not today, now that I’m in a healthy relationship with the love of my life. I know now that I would never, ever want him to tell me I complete him.
And once you understand more about the love lie Hollywood – and society – has been feeding us for so long, you’ll agree that “you complete me” is one of the most dangerous phrases one human being could ever say to another.
After all the cheesy pick-up lines, lame first-date conversations, practically illiterate text messages….not to mention the mean words; the put-downs and the cruel things men have said that have broken your heart….
My Dating Life Wasn't Always Drama-Free ...
But back in my drama-filled dating days, before I knew about the big lie, I would have given anything to have a man speak to me that way.In fact, when I got dumped out of the blue by the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with…I used to console myself by eating pints of caramel fudge swirl ice cream and watching movies like the notebook and Jerry Maguire, longing for the kind of love that would really last.I was so bitter and hurt from years of relationships gone wrong, I was starting to wonder whether true, lasting love even existed.Can you relate? I thought so.So what was I doing wrong?I was a smart woman with a great career and – what I thought was – a good head on my shoulders.Sure, I wasn’t a Victoria’s secret supermodel, but I was attractive enough, with a good personality.Why did I keep attracting all the wrong kinds of men?
How Many of These Guys
Have You Date Also?
So as I said, in my drama-filled dating days, I always attracted the wrong kinds of men.
It’s funny to look back on it now, but my list of exes reads like a who’s who of who not to date!
Here are some of the guys I fell for…let’s see how many are on your list too:
There was the dude with no ambition….you know, the guy you think is so cool…until your friends and family meet him and say “you could do so much better than him! But of course you can’t let yourself believe them – plus, you see so much more in him than anyone else does!
Next up was the guy who just wants to be friends with benefits… yup.
I stuck around way too long, wishing and praying that he would come around, change his mind, and want me to be his girlfriend. (he never did.)
There was the guy with the drinking problem…ah yes…so rewarding to have what you thought was a romantic night filled with deep conversation about the future of your relationship…and then he wakes up in the morning, pukes, and is completely unable to recall anything that happened the night before. What a keeper!
It’s no shocker that I also fell in love with the man who cheated on me. And I was even foolish enough to take him back…at which point – you guessed it – he cheated again!
I’m embarrassed to admit that I also fell for the psychological abuser.
Believe or not, I also had a relationship with the closeted gay guy.
Geez, Paige, seriously?!?
I was a bad guy magnet.
And when I was in these relationships – one after another, without ever taking a breather – I would do everything in my power to try to make them work out.
I felt that the fate of these relationships all rested on my ability to become the “perfect” girlfriend for these guys.
Often, this would involve what I call “shape-shifting,” or becoming someone I really wasn’t just to please them.
Even when I would accidentally stumble into a relationship with a good guy – you know, a decent man who actually loved and cared about me – I would still make the same mistakes:
being needy, clingy, wanting to spend all my time with him – not simply because I enjoyed him so much, but because it gave me some odd illusion of control over the relationship – like if I was always around he couldn’t lose interest, fall out of love, or cheat on me.
Ugh. It’s so hard to admit this. But it’s the truth.
A Shocking Response
From Women Like You
But soon after Dating Without Drama went live online, I was blown away by the emails that started pouring in from women all over the world.
Here’s one from a woman named Linda: [visuals like email inbox a la Michael fire sis vs.]
To: Paige Parker
from: Linda
subject: I’m getting noticed left and right!
Dear Paige,
I’m recently divorced after being married for 30 years. I downloaded your book and ended up reading it and the bonuses in one sitting.
Dating? Unfamiliar territory for me. Talk about “out of the loop!”
Yesterday, I noticed all of these wonderful men everywhere I went. I tried your “1/3/1 second glance” technique with a man going in the opposite direction and he beamed at me and tripped!
I went into a store and a man walked towards me with his arms open and exclaimed how beautiful I was!
I am very excited about the new path you showed me, Paige!
Thank you so very much!
- Linda
When was the last time a man noticed you from across the room and was so taken with you that he literally tripped over himself to approach you?
Linda had never experienced that before, but she deserves it. And so do you.
Here’s another one of my favorite emails from a woman who tried my Dating Without Drama program:
To: Paige Parker
From: Vanessa
Subject: what a difference a day makes…
Hi Paige,
Just a quick note to say that I downloaded your book yesterday and had my first date last night. (I know, I’m a quick mover!) I have read the first 8 chapters and had tons of resistance to the advice, but, I know that my way wasn't working so ignored my cynicism and gave it a shot.
During the date I felt in control, I didn't waffle, I hadn't obsessed about what to wear, I was relaxed and most importantly was myself. We had a nice evening and now I’m going to follow the next step and not call no matter how much I want to. If he is interested he will call.
My friends thank you as they have been trying to get me to believe I deserve and can have a loving, beautiful relationship. I always date the needy, creative types and wonder why I’m not fulfilled.
Next date is this weekend. What a difference a day makes...
Best regards,
Sydney, Australia
Or how about this one:
To: Paige Parker
From: Morgan
Subject: goodbye drama queen!
Hi Paige,
I just wanted to contact you to tell you how helpful your book has been to me.
Recently, I met a great man and things took off at rocket speed. Everything was going along well and then all of a sudden ... I felt him pulling away.
My mind was full of questions. Did I say something wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did he lose interest in me?
I am so glad I found your book online - I needed it right then and there. I had a melt down and I am convinced that your book saved me from making grave mistakes. At first I was skeptical of your writings - really, I was - but you have been right on the money. Thank you for showing me the light.
One of the things I really appreciate about "Dating Without Drama" is that it encourages a woman to be independent, do her own things, feel happy, and maintain her integrity and self-respect. A good man is just part of the mix in a fulfilling life.
This book has saved me from potential heartache and acting like a drama queen. Believe me, I have had to use restraint - but I can see that by following your advice I feel confident and full of respect.
Finding love takes a lot of guts. All women should prepare themselves by reading this wonderful book.
- Morgan
Seattle, WA
Are You Going to Be a Smart Woman
or Wise Woman?
There’s a quote that goes something like this:
A smart woman learns from her own mistakes.
But a wise woman learns from others’ mistakes.
You don’t have to suffer through one more dating disaster. You’ve probably had your fair share, and if not, well - I’ve done enough of it for you…
Here’s your opportunity to learn from my mistakes – and your own, if you’re feeling brave enough to take a good hard look at what’s not working in your life.
Either way, if you read Dating Without Drama – which many women tell me they do in just one sitting because they can’t put it down! – and start applying the principles to your life…
…you will achieve the love life you deserve.
Here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn in my program:- How to break the vicious cycle of “W’s”: wishing he’d ask for your number, waiting for him to call, wondering where the relationship is going, and worrying he’ll never commit
- The key to a successful love life (hint: it’s not being “lucky” enough to find the perfect man)
- Men’s six secret commitment fears exposed
- How to date confidently without being controlled by your emotions
- The scientific explanation of why men pull away just as things start to get serious
- The key to a having a relationship that doesn’t feel like work
- The calling game decoded: when to expect he’ll call you
- The crucial difference between infatuation and real attachment
- The secret to being in control of a relationship (pg. 18)
- How to encourage a man to ask you out on a date without scaring him off
- The secrets to getting – and keeping – the love you deserve
- 10 ways to tell if a guy is “boyfriend material”
- The 10 do’s and don’ts of a first date without drama
- How to handle post-date phone calls, emails, and texts… or what to do if he’s not contacting you at all
- How to decode men’s behavior by understanding their biology
- What “the conversation” is and why it’s never a good idea
- Why dating more than one man can lead you straight to “the one”
- How to analyze your first date from your perspective and his!
- The key to meeting someone in any location or situation
- Why women aren’t designed for “no strings attached” or “friends with benefits” relationships
- 5 questions you can ask to tell whether he’s ready to commit
- Why it can be dangerous to act on your instincts
- The “tool kit” for effective communication
- How to stop feelings of neediness, loneliness & desperation forever
- What instantly turns men off
- The key to healthy intimacy
- The 5 stages of defining/redefining your relationship and how to handle them without screwing it up
- 8 signs that you’re “official” even before he’s asked you to be exclusive
- How to take responsibility for your own happiness
- Essential guidelines for meeting the friends and family (his and yours!)
- 5 concrete ways to show him you’re “girlfriend material”
- 5 signs he’s about to profess his love to you
- And so much more I can’t list it all here
If you’re ready to learn all of these secrets and radically transform your love life from dating disaster to drama-free relationship queen, go ahead and click purchase.
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